Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Niko!

                                         R.I.P. My Sweet Girl - Cleo 5/02 - 12/12

Hi Everyone,

Who has had the worst week EVER?! This girl right here. This year hasn't been the greatest, but the universe decided to throw in a bad week right before the year was over. Gah! I am so over this year. It needs to be 2013 soon.

I will be doing blogs every night. I am so behind. I thought I would start with Niko's birthday. Something positive :)

On December 15th, Niko had his first Birthday party with friends. Chris took the day off, which was good, because I needed him. Baba ended up staying with Jacob. He was so sick! My mom was sick too. I felt kind of bad that not more kids showed up for Niko's party - but he had fun. and that is all that matters. We did the bowling thing. He got some great gifts.

On December 16 - 17th.  Jacob caught the flu or something. He was miserable. Which meant Mommy was miserable too. His feet would not touch the floor. He had fevers, and stopped eating. I called off therapy for two days in a row. On the 17th -  I got it and still have it. I actually took a sick day. My children would not let me be sick. I hated being home while I was sick. I still feel like crap. I think I have a sinus infection. My doctor won't see me and we tried Urgent Care but there was a two hour wait. Eventually, I will get medicine. I just hate feeling like this all the time.

December 19th - Niko turned 5! He had a great day! The funny part - Jacob went back to therapy, and we met Niko, Baba, and Chris at a Mexican Restaurant. Jacob was so fussy. I had to take him home. Nicholas wanted to come home with me too. He didn't want to stick around and have them sing to him. He wanted to come home with me, which I think is so funny. He was missing his own Birthday celebration.

December 20th - Probably the most difficult day as a pet owner. I came home that night. I was really excited because I got Nicholas a bike. Chris came home and ate something. Cleo my kitty comes downstairs, and gave really two strange meows, and then she laid in the litter box. I knew something was going wrong. I am thinking she wants to die. I told Chris we need to get her to the Vet, asap! We can't find a dead cat in the morning - if that is what was wrong with her. I hurried and got our sitter. Then I put Cleo in the carrier, and I noticed her breathing was really strange. I was thinking hairball or cold. Off we go, knowing we will spend at least 500 dollars on this cat. What the Vet told us was not good. She either had blood clots or cancer in her lungs. She was not expected to make it through the night. We let her go, and she went peacefully. She was 10 years old. I got her when I was single, and almost had her for 10 years. I am very sad. It's like a big void right now. She was the biggest lap cat. She slept with me every night. I always "see" her. She was my Clee. Such an awesome kitty. I really haven't had the time to grieve. I would just like to lay in bed one day and let it all out. I have to hold it together for the boys. Nicholas is fine with the whole thing. He was more upset about the neighbor's dog passing a few weeks ago.

Ok, time to put Niko to bed. I let him stay up a little later, so I could type this. Have a good night! Mandy

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