Sunday, December 30, 2012

Snowy Day!

                                          This is how close we live to the freeway!

                                            Loves to eat snow!

Hi Everyone,

The day after Christmas we got our snow. I have been waiting for this kind of snow for two years! I could not wait for Nicholas to play in this snow! He was pretty excited too. As usual, I get the honors of taking him outside. I don't think Chris has taken Nicholas out yet - to play in the snow. Jacob stayed inside with Baba. I don't think Jacob is ready to play in the snow yet. Plus, we still need to get all the gear. Anyway, Nicholas had fun playing in the snow. He got to use his sled, and he made a snow angel. He loves to eat the snow. He was making snow soup - from Little Critter. We stayed outside for more than a half an hour. Nicholas loved it.

The rest of the Christmas week went OK. I was still not feeling well, so I went to the doctor on Saturday. I have an ear infection and sinus infection. Nicholas got sick on Thursday. He was pretty miserable on Friday. He is feeling better. He now has a really stuffy nose and a bad cough. I hope this cold, leaves for good and doesn't get Jacob again. Jacob continued with his therapy on Thursday and Friday. He is doing pretty well. The sign language he does is amazing. I am just afraid he will be dependent with that and not worry about talking. At 18 months he should be saying 50 words. We are at 2 or 3. Eek! But I am not freaking out like I was before. It will all come with time.

Tomorrow, I will do a blog of how we have grown throughout the year! Should be fun and interesting :) Have a great Sunday! Mandy

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