Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 - Year in Review (Pictures)




Here is our picture year in review. Tomorrow, I will do our favorite activities. I tried to get group shots. Only missing one month - not bad! I enjoyed putting these pictures together :) Here are the updates from 2012.

Nicholas - Completed his first year in preschool. He did great. Pre-K has been very good. He is very ready for Kindergarten. We have to work on his name and cutting. He needs big time help in those areas. It requires concentration, and well Niko has no patience or concentration skills. We will continue to work on that. Mentally - so smart!! so sassy too! Physical - he has grown so much. He is skinny and to me tall :) He has gotten very picky about foods which makes me sad. Nicholas keeps me on my toes for sure.

Jacob - My angel! He is so good. He has his streaks - but he is NOTHING like his brother. In May, it was discovered that he is delayed. Therapy has been wonderful. If he didn't get PT, he probably wouldn't be walking yet. Speech is a struggle - but we have fun with sign language. He is my little fighter, hero, and miracle.

Chris - He did not get sick all year! He had to step it up in the daddy department when he was told not to work on Mondays and Tuesdays. He has changed many poopie diapers - only when I am not home.

Me - I am OK. I had a real rough year. Losing Cleo just made this year even more miserable. We also lost a good man this year - papa.

Here is hoping 2013 is better and Nicholas' 5th year is better than the 4th year :)

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